Santa Speedo Dash for Diabetes

Columbus, OH

Join the fun! Saturday, December 8 for the 7th Annual Santa Speedo Dash Fundraiser benefitting the Central Ohio Diabetes Association. New for this year, two party locations. The Three-Legged Mare and Boston's the Arena District for the Family Fun Fest.



for another successful

Santa Speedo Dash for Diabetes Fundraiser! 


Event participants and donors together have raised over $156,000
to fund programs, services and camp for those living with diabetes.

Thank you!

Check out the links to our event photos:

Dispatch online 

LifeCare Alliance

Central Ohio Diabetes Association Facebook page!

Save the date for the 2019 Santa Speedo Dash!
Tentative date Saturday, December 14th 2019! 

 If you wold like to get involved the Santa Speedo Dash or become a sponsor, please contact
Candice at
or call 614-437-2916


To be added to the Santa Speedo Dash email list please email Candice at
in the subject line, add Santa Speedo Dash notification.


Saturday, December 8, 2018

Arena District/McFerson Commons


Join in the fun at the 
Santa Speedo Dash for Diabetes Fundraiser 
7th Annual 5K /1 Mile Event 
Proceeds benefit the diabetes camps and programs of the
Central Ohio Diabetes Association
(an Agency of LifeCare Alliance)

Hosted by The Three-Legged Mare and Boston's Pizza 
Beverage sponsor Sam Adams

Speedos are encouraged, but not mandatory.
Get into the fun with your festive holiday wear!




View more event photos at our YPAD Facebook Page 

Registration will also be available the day of the event until 11:30 am via online event registration.

Event registration includes a fleece headband, race timing, post-run beer provided by Sam Adams of Columbus
(for our friends 21 and older).

Please bring your photo ID
if you intend to have any alcoholic beverages. 

 Congratulations to the individuals that raised  $100 before November 1!



















Individual fundraising pages are automatically created for each participant at registration. Use your race site log-in information to customize your fundraising page, add photos and share why raising funds for those with diabetes is important to you!

Event Information:
The weather forecast is currently predicting a cold day, please dress in layers if needed and have hats, gloves, scarves if you need them. Please keep money/credit cards, phone or purse/backpack on your person. Coat Check will be available 10:30 am until 1:15 pm inside each venue.

Event Party:
Party admission is free. Donations from event attendees are welcome! Registration volunteers will be accepting donations via pledge cards, cash or check. We will take credit card information via pledge card.


Contests and Awards, start at 1:30 pm at The Three-Legged Mare. 
Fastest overall runners (male and female), Individual fundraisers, Top Fundraising Teams, and Best Dressed Dasher Contests.The Santa Speedo Dash event concludes at 2 pm.


Registration and Packet/Bib Pick-Up:
We will NOT have advance packet/bib pick-up this year. Event participants are asked to stop at event registration between 10:30 am-11:30 am at either The Three-Legged Mare (for the original party) or Boston’s (Family Fest).




Participants for the 5K will have the option of choosing the anklet timing device OR bib timer. 

Note: 1 mile walkers do not receive a timing device
. Anklet timers must be returned at the finish line with our event volunteers or there could be a fee charged. Registration volunteers will ask you to confirm your name, age and route (5K or 1 mile). 


Post-run beer provided by Sam Adams of Columbus (for our friends 21+).
Please bring a photo ID if you plan to have alcohol beverages, guests will be carded for drinking age verification.

Race Location:  McFerson Commons/Arch Park, 218 West Street, Columbus, OH 43215 Race Start Times: 
Run starts at 12:00 Noon, walk starts after runners immediately after. 
Please note race route will shut down at 1PM. 
If you cannot walk a 5K in 1 hour, please walk the 1 mile route.

Pre/Post-Run Family Fest: Boston's Pizza, Special offerings for our younger Dashers! 191 W. Nationwide Blvd., Columbus, OH 43215 614-229-4275.

Pre/Post-Run Original Party:
The Three-Legged Mare, the party that you love filled with music and fun. 401 N. Front. St., Columbus, OH 43215 614-222-4950 
Prizes and Award location from 1:30pm to 2pm at The Three-Legged Mare.
Prizes will be awarded to 

Top Fundraising Teams & Individuals
Best Dressed Male and Female Dashers --over $350 in prizes for this contest!
Be creative!
Fastest Overall Males and Females!
Best Dressed Male and Female Young Dashers 

Please note the cutoff time for fundraising prizes will be
12:00 Noon on December 8th.

Parking Information: 

Parking is self-pay and is located in and around several locations of the Arena District/North Market. Choose the location that works best for you. Please note that meters have recently been removed on portions of Nationwide Blvd. 
The Three-Legged Mare is located near the Starbucks at the Nationwide Arena, 
Boston’s is located near Tim Horton’s.

Arena District:
North Market parking options:

Route Info: 
McFerson Commons/Scioto Mile Route

Is there an age limit?
Participants, under 16 should have a parent or guardian with them.

Do I have to wear a speedo to participate? 
Speedo’s are not mandatory. We recommend that everyone have fun and dress to impress in holiday colors and athletic clothing. Be comfortable, have fun. Wear festive hats, etc. Families do participate in the event, so we ask that you keep behavior and clothing in mind (thongs are discouraged).

How do I make additional donations?
Donations toward an individual fundraiser or team can be made via the event website at . Donations made prior to 12:00 Noon on December 8th will be included for the fundraising contest. 

What if I cannot attend on race day? 

You may pick-up your participant headband during normal business hours at the Central Ohio Diabetes Association (Mon-Fri 8:30am to 5pm) after December 10 at 1100 Dennison, Columbus, OH 43201. Convenient and free parking is located in the rear of the building and in the school lot behind the agency. Please call 614-884-4400 and let us know you would like your item held at our office or email Candice at .

Is this event stroller friendly?
The run or walk itself would be stroller friendly. The Three-Legged Mare and Boston’s may be challenging to navigate a stroller, because the venue is very busy. 

Can we register as a group? 

A Team Captain will need to register first, then each person can register individually. Each team member will need to indicate the team that they are joining by indicating the team name.

Are there restrooms on the course? 
There will be one portable restroom available at the race start/finish line.

For additional information c
Candice Hines LaFramboise, Development Director 
Central Ohio Diabetes Association, 614-884-4400 or 614-437-2916    
email -

Thank you to our Premier Event Partners and Sponsors!




When & Where

Dec 8, 2018


11:00 AM

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Columbus, OH

McFerson Commons

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